TRUE- Zero Waste Training

The TRUE-Zero Waste Certificate is another certification program for green buildings, focusing on the Zero Waste concept. Offered by GBCI, the same organization behind LEED Certification, it allows for the audit of current structures and activities to set zero waste targets. Noteworthy is its versatility, applicable to both buildings and events. Achieving this certificate means committing to waste management goals, contributing to the circular economy. Recognizing waste as a resource enhances project value when effectively managed.

The training covers the TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) certificate content and the steps leading to its attainment. Similar to the LEED system, the certificate undergoes evaluation using a rating table, and upon achieving the required credits, the certificate level is determined.

In the context of the TRUE Certificate training, the following topics, to be addressed using the rating table, are outlined:

Through the TRUE Zero Waste program, you can embark on the initial stage toward obtaining the certificate of True Advisor, an esteemed expert title. Our training welcomes individuals with a curiosity about Zero Waste objectives and the methods to achieve them.

Training Registration